
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Tiny seed, Neglected?

Image: Thanks Google

One sunny day by the pool
I sat relaxing with a book;
My boy swimming in the water
And I swimming in the words!

My eyes taking off from the book
Now and then to watch the kids;
WOW! One flight of my eyes landed
On a tiny sparrow, near the bush!

So tiny about my pointer long
Bobbing its head left and right;
He spotted two seeds nearby
And flew away having consumed one!

I got back into my pool of words
Without giving the other seed any thought;
Neglected, was it? Not at all
Which I realized after the sun went down thrice!

Another sunny day by the pool
I sat relaxing with a book;
My boy swimming in the water
And I swimming in the words!

My eyes were taking off from the book
Now and then to watch the kids;
And one flight of my eyes landed
On a tiny sapling near the bush!

Delighted was I to spot the lively sapling 
Having grown from the tiny seed;
Neglected, was it? Not at all
But bringing forth a mighty tree!


I appreciate your valuable comments, Thanks!