Hi, my name is Alvin. I like dogs, they are so cute. So I'm going to tell you a story about dogs.

I'l tell the #1 story. Once upon a time there was 5 dogs, their names
are B - dawg (boy), Budha(boy), rosebud (girl), budderball(boy)
,mudbud(boy). Ok then B-dawg said yo dawg we need kid owners. Mudbud
said let's go to the dog pound. Budha said
now wait for the dog catcher. The dog catcher is coming and he is going to put us in the cage.
Now we are in the cage, wait for the kids to come. Then its the next
day. Five kids come and pick the dogs. All the dogs barked. At the kids
home the dogs got new special dresses. Rosebud lived in a townhouse,
Budderball lived in a mansion, Budha lived in a bungalow, Mudbud lived
in independent house and B-dawg lived in bungalow too.
time they went to the dog park and met a new friend. His name was
Snowy. He was so soft. They went in the farms's path to go to the other
side of the park. But it was getting too hot so they had to go back.
it was night when they reached home. They slept and then the next day
Budderball just had a cake. He asked where is the beef and where is the
pizza? He ate nothing for breakfast. Then they went to the park and saw
two dog nappers. They ran to hide in the woods near the park. Whe nthey
came near to get them the dogs knew that budderball throws sand to
eachother. He did that to the dog nappers. They thought the dogs were
strong and went back to the car and hid.

night they went to the under the stars movie. Then they saw the dog
nappers coming. The dogs hid under the chair. The dog nappers climbed
the theatre screen and then they saw every dog but it was a bad idea
that they had ropes tied to the tree. So they go down very slowly. And
when they jumped down they were going one mile per hour. And then
everybody was throwing popcorn and soda on those two nappers. When they
got off the screen, they landed in two motorbikes and the people who
owned the motorbikes got very angry and threw the nappers out of the
park. They never came back. And then Rosebud said we win! And they all
came out of hiding and they all barked to their kids.
This is the post by Alvin.